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The most important debate of your life!

We are bombarded these days with reality television programs. Most people agree that these programs are not really "reality", but in fact are produced and edited for entertainment purposes. In a spiritual sense, I completely disagree. What you will see on most of these programs is SPRIRITUAL REALITY. We live in a spiritually lost and dying world, in desperate need of God. Even some proclaiming Christians who have participated on these reality programs, are in reality, reflections of a mass amount of "Christians" in the world today; they claim to be Christians, but they do not say and do what God commands of them.

Does God exist? - Do you need God? - Do you want to know what God requires of you?

Below you will find something we like to call "Reality Chat". Instead of watching one of those reality television programs, why not entertain yourself by reading a reality internet chat between two people. You will learn a lot about these two people, both with extremely different points of view. As you read their conversation, make a point to choose sides along the way and see if you can relate to them. If you are in a hurry and want to skip to a certain section, use the following links:

Steps to becoming a true Christian

Reality Chat Section Links.

Don and Chrissy internet chat conversation


Can you prove to me that there is a God?

Chrissy It depends on what you want to believe.
Don I don't understand what you mean by that! I would like to believe that all people have good intentions for everything that they do, but I know that isn't true. Just because I want to believe something, it doesn't make it true, now does it?
Chrissy You make a good point. Okay, so it's not necessarily what you want to believe, but more so, what you are willing to believe. Are you willing to believe that there is a God?
Don Not really! Why should I believe in something I can't see, hear, taste, smell or touch?
Chrissy Have you ever seen, heard, tasted, smelled or touched your neocortex?
Don My what?!!
Chrissy Your neocortex; it's the thinking part of your brain. You have it and it must be working because you are asking me a thought provoking question. Do you believe that you have a neocortex?
Don I don't know if I do and I don't know if I don't.
Chrissy I didn't know I had one until my doctor was joking around with me the other day. Speaking of doctors, what if upon your next medical checkup, your doctor said that you were in need of a neocortex replacement or you would become a living vegetable?
Don I would probably ask him how much it was going to cost for the replacement!
Chrissy Now seriously Don! You have a wife and three kids; how would they get along without you?
Don They couldn't! I would have a neocortex  replacement if the Doc said I needed one.
Chrissy You're not certain that you have a neocortex and yet you would trust a doctor to replace it? Even if you got a second, third and fourth opinion on the matter, how could you trust doctors who say you need a neocortex replacement if you are not even certain that you have a neocortex?
Don When it comes to my physical health, I trust doctors with many consonants after their name.
Chrissy You are willing to trust these doctors because you feel that they can help keep you healthy.
Don That's right!
Chrissy The doctors could be pulling one over on you, and you would still believe them! Next thing you know, they will be replacing your hadrosor.
Don I think you meant Hadrosaur. I don't have a duck-billed dinosaur in me anyway, so no, they couldn't replace that. Nice try!

Don, you're a very intelligent person, certainly more educated than me, and I know that we could go back and forth on this issue forever. The bottom line is, no, I can't prove to you that there is a God. Believing in God requires faith, similar to the faith that you put in your doctors. There are mountain loads of scientific evidence which, if believed, help to prove that there is a God, but as with many things in life, believing in God requires faith. Even if you don't believe in God, you still have to have some type of faith based belief. I mean how was this world created? How did we get here? So far, science has been unable to prove these things completely, so regardless of what you believe, you have to make a choice as to what you are willing to believe.

Don, you believe that the television set that you have at your home was created by a manufacturer, right?

Don Yes
Chrissy Your television set did not evolve from a radio to a black and white television, and on from there to a standard color television until finally it turned into that beautiful 52 inch LCD HDTV that you just purchased. Without someone making that TV, it would not exist right?
Don Correct

Your television set came with a remote control that has many buttons on it. You press the button that says channel up and the channel changes to the next higher channel. You press the button that says volume down and the volume being produced from the speakers in your television set lowers. Every television set ever made was designed and created to produce a picture for our eyes to see and audio for our ears to hear. Televisions were designed by humans to be used by humans. Every single part in the design of a television set has a purpose for which the creator intended. With each of these parts designed and created for a specific use, even if we were unable to document the first televisions being manufactured, it would make perfect sense to think that a television set was purposely designed and created by someone. It's very simple logic! And if that's simple enough to understand, then using the same logic, does it not make sense that with the unmatched design and creation of this world and the human body, that it had to be designed and created by a Creator for a specific purpose?

Don Using that logic, it makes sense.
Chrissy Whether you believe it or not Don, God did create the heavens and the earth and the first human beings (Adam and Eve), and ultimately, He created you. If you research this thoroughly, things just start to line up and it's the only thing that makes sense to believe. Anyway, if you can suppose for a minute that there exist such a mighty being capable of creating the heavens and the earth, doesn't it make you wonder where you fit into things?
Don Hypothetically, if a being such as this exists, yes, it would make me wonder...
Chrissy Sure it would! If you were a TV, okay, a very special TV - a TV that had feelings and could respond to the signal of the remote control as you felt you should. If you were that type of special TV and did not understand that you were designed and created by a creator for a specific purpose, then what would it take for the user of your remote control to get you to turn on and be used?  I can just see someone pounding on the power button of your remote control, while you're thought process is: I believe that I am suppose to do what I want to do in life, so I'll just sit here a while and by the way, could someone turn off those beams of infra red light!
Don So, I am suppose to be the TV, and you are trying to turn me on by remote control, but I keep ignoring the signal, is that what you are getting at?
Chrissy I am not great with analogies Don, but that's real close to what I was trying to say. I didn't create you, so I can't do what it would take to make you turn on and function the way God intends for you to. What I do know is that we all need God in order to achieve our created purpose in life. God holds the "master remote control" for each of us and He is sending out the "Power On" signal to people like you who are sinners, so that you can be turned on, or in other words saved from your sins.
Don I don't appreciate being called a sinner Chrissy! I have lived a good life. I don't lie, cheat or steal. I've never done drugs, smoked or drank alcohol! I've remained faithful to my wife, and I've been a good protector and provider to my family! Let me tell you, the murders and rapists, those are the people who need to be saved from sins!! I am a morally good person and just because I don't live up to your standards doesn't mean that I'm a sinner. Judge not least ye be judged, isn't that what you're taught?  Who's judging now!! It sounds like you are Chrissy!



Don, you've known me forever and you know that what I am saying is only because I care for you. Yes, God's Word does say "Judge not least ye be judged", but you are using that scripture (against me) out of context, and I'll get back to that in a second.

[Steps to becoming a true Christian - Step 1 - Determining your need for God]

God's Word says that ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). We've all broken at least one, if not more or even all of the Ten Commandments.

Are you telling me that you've never done anything that could be considered to be wrong, when considering every one of your THOUGHTS, WORDS or DEEDS? As a child or even as an adult, are you going to tell me that you've never told or even thought about telling a LIE? And you've never taken anything that was not yours when you were little, right? I stole a pack of bubble gum from a store when I was a kid. The eighth commandment is "Thou shalt not steal". Yes, that's right, Christian Chrissy broke the eighth commandment and that's not the only one. I've used God's name in vain. What I mean by that is I've spoken God's name in a sentence without giving any thought to Him whatsoever. If I were to say, "Don Durfy that hurt", I would be using your name Don, in vain. Likewise, I've used God's name in vain. The second of the ten commandments is, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain". By God's standards, I've done far more wrong in my lifetime than just breaking those two commandments.

Did you know that God judges us even by our thoughts? You said that you have been faithful to your wife, and I believe that's true, but have you ever even thought about being with someone else, maybe even before your marriage? Have you ever fantasized about stuff like that? Jesus said that whoever looks upon someone with lust has already committed adultery in his heart (Matthew 5:27-28). The seventh commandment is, "Thou shalt not commit adultery". I've seen you get angry Don, and it's not a pretty sight! Have you ever been mad enough at someone to wish harm on them? If you have, Jesus said, that by His standards, you've committed murder (Matthew 5:21-22). The sixth commandment is, "Thou shall not murder".

Even if we had lived perfectly according to God's standards, from the moment of our births, we would still be considered "sinners" by God. The reason for this is that Adam and Eve were the first human sinners, and since all mankind come from Adam and Eve, we carry sin's curse even unto our birth.

No matter how you look at it, we are all sinners and we are in desperate need of God. [Continue to step 2 - Recognizing that there is a just penalty for sin]

Oh yes! I almost forgot. "Judge not least ye be judged" simply means that we are to be very careful in how we assess our spiritual judgments of people. God will be our ultimate and final judge; and He will by all means hold us accountable to His standard of judgment for each and every spiritual judgment that we make on someone else. However, it does not mean that we are not to judge in all circumstances. God said that we are to judge with righteous judgment (John 7:24). That means that we are to only make spiritual judgments on people according to the Holy standards of God and God alone. If people do not line up with God's standards of living, we should share this with them out of our love and obedience to God. So, in a sense, making a spiritual judgment is part of our duty to God.


Chrissy, I knew you could be long winded, but WHOA!

Since I've committed all of these sins, am I suppose to believe that God is going to send me to hell when I die?


[Steps to becoming a true Christian - Step 2 - Recognizing that there is a just penalty for sin]

God is a perfect and Holy being. He does not Lie! He is just! He is incorruptible! With that in mind, think about how our justice system works. Let's say that a state's penalty for rape is a mandatory lifetime sentence in prison. A person in this state who has committed rape now stands before a judge for sentencing. The convicted man conveys regret and remorse for what he has done and pleads with the judge for mercy. Would a just judge sentence this person based on the required sentencing by law, or would a just judge break the required sentencing law and sentence him differently?

Don As you know, I use to work with the FBI and I've seen judges take bribes. Most judges are corruptible, it's just a matter of how much money; but if a judge was incorruptible, he would always play it straight and go by the law of the state.
Chrissy Exactly! And when it comes time for the final judgment, God will be our judge and we will be judged by His law and His standard of righteousness. He will send all those who are unrighteous to a place called Hell. Hell will basically be a place of unending, undying, torment. It is typically described as a lake of fire, but I don't think it can even be accurately described. There is nothing that can be compared to it, not the tormenting atrocities of Mussolini, Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Saddam Huessin or the like. Death is a peaceful end for many that have been tormented on earth, but in Hell, there will be no end to it - it will be for eternity! This is something I dread to even imagine.

I have a hard time believing that! I don't believe that Hell exists, but I've heard some refer to it as a place to party after you die and that's sounds better to me. If I did believe in God and Hell as you describe it, I do not believe that God would do something like that. How could a loving God do this to people He created?

Chrissy God is a loving God and on the final day of judgment, He will be required, as any just judge would, to fulfill the sentencing penalty that has been set for those who are guilty of breaking His laws. [Continue to step 3 - Acknowledging the price that was paid to cover sins penalty]
Don If were to fully believe all of this, I would be scared silly, and you should be too Chrissy! According to your own acknowledgement, you have sinned against God. In fact, according to you, everyone has sinned, so we're all going to Hell, right?


Yes, we've all sinned, but no, it is not God's will for anyone to perish in hell (John 3:15-18).

[Steps to becoming a true Christian - Step 3 - Acknowledging the price that was paid to cover sins penalty]

Let me go back to the example of the man convicted of rape. Don, give me some leeway and go with me on this. Let's say that you are the person convicted of rape. You're standing before a just judge who can't be bought and he is about to give out your penalty sentence. Oh yeah, the girl you raped, well, that was the judge's only daughter! You can imagine that the judge is furious with you! To everyone's but the judge's surprise, the judge's daughter steps in the courtroom. She says "Father, I am willing to do as you have asked. I am willing to accept the penalty of death so that this man can go free." So the judge says, "Daughter, you now bear the guilt of every crime committed in my state and I can't stand the sight of lawlessness. Guards, take her away for execution."

You see, there was a legal loophole in this hypothetical story. This judge created and founded this state, and this judge wrote all of the laws and the penalties for breaking them. However, he also wrote that if his daughter, who never broke a law, was willing to accept the penalty for all crimes in his state, then anyone who had committed a crime in his state, could go free.

I told you, I'm not great at analogies, but here is the true story. God created all mankind and He wrote all of the laws for His creation. He also wrote a clause as a way to save His creation from eternal damnation in hell. While we were still sinners, and while God was furious with us for breaking His laws, He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, from heaven to this earth in order to bear the penalty that He set for all of mankind's sins (Romans 5:8). Unlike us, Jesus Christ is solely of God, and was sent from heaven, conceived in Mary by the Holy Spirit. Since man did not conceive Jesus, He was born without sin. Furthermore, He lived a perfect, holy and sinless life.

The crucification of Jesus Christ was unlike any other. I know of no other record of any worse scourging, than that of Jesus Christ. He was whipped until much of His flesh was removed. His beard was plucked from His face. A crown of thorns was driven into his head. Nails pierced His wrist and feet as He was hung on a cross. Jesus Christ is and was of God. He had within Him the ability to call on all of God's power, including legions of angels. Yet, He was fully human, which means that He felt every inch of pain that a normal man would have felt. There is no human that would have or could have endured the sufferings of Christ. Keep in mind Don, it is not as if He stepped into a situation that He could not escape from. Unto death, He retained the power to remove it all. Jesus Christ had a choice, and He chose to be obedient to His Father, to carry the full load and penalty of sins with Him to the grave in order to offer you and I salvation. [Continue to step 4 - Having a desire to change from an old life to a new life]


[Steps to becoming a true Christian - Step 4 - Having a desire to change from an old life to a new life]

That's a touching story Chrissy, and let's just say that I believe it to be true. Am I not free of the penalty of sin, since Jesus died and took the penalty of my sins away?


You're so close to being right on, but not quite. Remember, God wrote the laws for His creation and most of these laws have carried on right into the new agreement that we have with God when He sent Jesus Christ. While Jesus was on this earth, He taught people how they were to live. He taught people that He was the example to follow. His life was perfect and sinless. Jesus also taught that anyone who claimed to be a Christian, but did not live by God's Holy Word, that this person was a liar and that God was not in them (1 John 2:3-7). So no, we can't stay the way that we are and expect to get past the final judgment of God. Jesus said that no man can come to the Father, God, except by Him (John 14:6). Jesus said that if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, that you will be saved (Acts 16:32). Jesus did not say, believe in me, He said, believe on me. That means you can't just believe that Jesus Christ was sent by his Father, God, and died for you to be saved, but that you must believe on Him. I think about it this must not only believe in Him, but also to be willing to follow after each command and standard that He set for us to live by. [Continue to step 5 - Repenting of your sin's]


[Steps to becoming a true Christian - Step 5 - Repenting of your sin's]

First you want me to believe in God, and now you want me to live like Jesus Christ? You are asking for the impossible!


You're right! It's impossible for anyone, on there own, to live like Jesus.

That is why you first must recognize that you are a sinner and then repent of your sins. See, you must not only recognize that you have sinned against God, but your response to that recognition must be repentance.

Repentance is simply recognizing that what you've done in the past was wrong and more importantly, turning away from your past sins and going in the complete opposite direction. You've broken God's law in the past, so repentance would be recognizing what you've done was wrong, asking for forgiveness, then turning around and walking in obedience to God's law.

When you recognize that you are a sinner and are in need of God's love and forgiveness, you repent of your sins towards God and ask God's son, Jesus Christ to come into your life.

I've told you about God the Father and His Son, Jesus, but the key to living like Jesus is the power that Jesus gives those who believe on Him. When Jesus comes in to your life, He gives you the power of His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is what enables us to live without sinning. [Continue to step 6 - Say what you mean and mean what you say]

God is made up of three persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Don I am a little confused.... First, you spoke of God as if He were one mighty being and now you're talking about His son Jesus, and The Holy Spirit as if they are different beings, but yet only one God. That makes no sense to me!
Chrissy Let me try another analogy on you. You are a father right?
Don Right
Chrissy You are also someone's son, right!
Don My parents may not admit to it - just kidding, but yes, yes I am.
Chrissy You don't have grandkids yet, but one day you will probably be a grandfather.
Don I see where you are going with this and it still doesn't make sense. If I could be in three places at once, then your analogy would work, but I can't and it doesn't.
Chrissy That's the analogy I've always used when trying to explain the Trinity of God, but you are right Don, your intellect shines again and my analogy is flawed. Humans can't be in more than one place at a time, but God can. I know that's hard to understand, but it's true. If you believe in God, there is no getting around it. God told us that He is not only three individual beings in one, but that He is omnipresent. How else could He have sent His son to die for our sins and save us individually. How else could He abide in each of us through His Holy Spirit. How could He hear all of the prayers that must be prayed to Him every second of the day.
Don You're saying that God can be anywhere and everywhere at the same time?
Chrissy Yes! It makes you feel kind of small doesn't it?
Don God is able to see and know everything that everyone does?
Chrissy Yes He can!
Don If that's true, then why does He allow bad things to happen. If He can be everywhere at all times, and has the power to do anything, why does He allow things like September 11th to happen. What about rapist and murderers, why wouldn't He stop them before they hurt innocent people if He really cared for us?

If ants could reason like humans can, I imagine that ants would ask questions similar to that.  Like, why do some of us ants get treated like enemies of humans while other ants get to live peacefully in ant farms for a human child's amusement.

Humans deal with ants in any manner that they choose. Some humans choose not to care for ants and to leave them on their own. They take the approach of, if they live, they live and if they die, they die. Some humans choose to kill ants for various reasons; mostly to benefit themselves. Some humans choose to pester ants and some even play with ants. Most humans make their decisions about how they deal with ants without thinking in the least what the ant wants or what the ant's best interest is. We deal with ants according to what we think is best and most people could care less about how the ant feels.

Because we think on a human level, we can not know or understand the full plan and purpose of God. Thinking on a human level, it would not make sense why God will allow bad things to happen to good people. Thinking on a human level, it would not make sense why He would create us, knowing that we would sin and then send His Son to die as a sacrifice for our sins. There is no way we can fully understand the perfect plan of our Creator God. Here is what we can understand and have complete assurance in: God is concerned for our best interest. God loves us with perfect, agape love. God can take something bad and make good come from it. God has promised not to allow anything to happen to us that we could not bear without His assistance. All we have to do is to put our complete trust in Him; and for those who believe on Him (trust and do as He commands), He has promised that death is only a passing from life on this earth to everlasting life in heaven.

When Adam and Eve sinned, part of the penalty for their sin was that the earth would be cursed. The earth went from a perfect self sustaining creation to a sin cursed land, slowly on its way to complete and total destruction. God's Word says that one day everything on this earth will be destroyed. Since the earth is in self-destruct mode, we will experience things while living here that are destructible. Not everything we experience on this earth is because, for example, God says, "Let's see, I think I'll create a tornado today!". It is simply because the earth is responding to the curse that was put upon it. That is not to say that God can't create tornados by His command to accomplish His purpose and plan, because He can; but we need to understand that bad things will happen simply because we are living in a sin cursed world.

God does not force people to follow His ways. Everyone is given a choice.When people do bad things, blame people, not God. On a human level, we would think again, that a Creator is responsible for the actions of His creation, but if we think that way, we're thinking like ants.

Even if some of us spent our lives loving and caring for ants, we would still have to uproot and move many of them from the homes that they laboriously built. Do you think that ants are going to understand when we take a shovel and plow through the home they built because we are trying to protect them? To test my theory, why don't you try it! Just put your hand down on top of an ant's home and call out to the ants, "Get on my hand little ants; I'm going to take you to a safe, protected place". What's going to happen when you do that, Don?

Don The ants are going to bite me, then I'm going to squash them all!

Don, you just showed a perfect contrast between humans and God. If you were trying to help ants, and the ants hurt you, you would kill them. Now think about how God responds to us when we hurt Him. He could eradicate this world with less resources than it would take for you to eradicate a pile of ants, and yet He doesn't. He offers love and forgiveness to us. He created humans and they broke His rules. He sent His Son to pay the penalty for their disobedience and yet, they did not believe He was the Son of God, so they murdered Him. Wouldn't you say that God has been stung enough to strike back?! Still, He doesn't! Instead He offers agape love. He offers undeserved mercy. He offers forgiveness. He offers salvation. He offers everlasting life.

God's plans and purposes are holy and perfect, but unless He is in your life, His ways will seem wrong and foolish to you. There are things that I may never fully understand about God, but because of Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit abiding in me, through faith, I can trust fully in Him. No matter what He allows to happen to me, I have complete assurance that He has my best interests in mind, and even in death He will give me a new life, everlasting life with Him in heaven!

Don One of the reasons I don't believe in God is because of all the bad stuff that happens. He could prevent that!

Like I said Don, this world is in self-destruct mode! Don't blame all of this bad stuff on God. Humans sinned against God and started the self-destruction process, but hey, if you want to be mad at God, good luck with your battle.

Don't you realize that as helpless as the ant is against a human being, we are innumerable times more helpless against Almighty God? Even if God did not love us, and did not have our best interests at heart, even if He did not have a purpose and a plan for us, how could we fight against Him?

You can be angry at God, but you will be fighting a battle that you just can't win.

Don That's why I don't believe in God. If I believed that He existed, then I would be angry at Him, and since that would serve no purpose, I just choose not to believe.
Chrissy Didn't you say that just because you believe in something doesn't make it true?
Don That's right
Chrissy Well, just because you don't believe in something doesn't make it untrue.
Don Point well taken

[Steps to becoming a true Christian - Step 6 - Say what you mean and mean what you say]

The Bible says that one day, at the final judgment, every knee will bow to God and every tongue will confess that He is God, that He is Jesus Christ, Lord of all. It doesn't matter what you say now. One day your own mouth will acknowledge that God exists and that He is who He said He was.  Don, if you do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, then Jesus said that He will not acknowledge you before His Father, God on the day of judgment. Until you repent of your sins, ask Jesus to come into your life and follow in God's ways, you are considered to be a lawbreaker by God and are subject to the penalty of Hell. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ cannot be a covering for your penalty until you acknowledge your sins and accept the fact that Jesus paid the price for them.


You know what, I forgot all about this until now, but I actually did that when I was a teenager. A girl I liked at the time, invited me to go to this youth service. During the service, the preacher said that if anyone wanted to be saved, just repeat after him. I wanted to impress this girl, so I said the little prayer that the preacher said. So I guess that makes me a Christian after all!





No, I am afraid not Don. The Bible does say that if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, that you will be saved, but the thing about God's Word is, you can't just accept one part of it and leave out the rest.

You could say with your mouth and believe in your heart that you are now the son of the President of the United Sates. After all, maybe someone told you that if you said that you were the son of the President, and believed in your heart that you were the son of the President, then you would indeed be the son of the President. Try walking up to the White House front door and see how far you get with Secret Service.

Don You wouldn't get past the front gate, but I know a way in!
Chrissy Really, how is that?
Don I have a friend in the FBI who used to be a Secret Service Agent for the President. He could vouch for me and I could simply walk right in.
Chrissy It would be just that easy?
Don Yep!
Chrissy Could you bring a bomb strapped to your chest?
Don Of course not!
Chrissy So your friend wouldn't vouch for you if you had a bomb strapped to your chest?
Don Absolutely not! Why do you ask such a silly question?

Because Don, your friend would only vouch for you based on what He knows about you. If you came with a bomb strapped to your chest, you wouldn't be acting like the person your friend knows you to be; you would be acting like a terrorist or some crazed maniac.

Just like your friend, when it comes time for the final judgment of God, Jesus Christ will be vouching only for those who He knows to be truly His children. He won't vouch for those who said a prayer of salvation and didn't mean it. He will only vouch for those who's DNA matches His own. [Continue to step 7 - Understanding what it means to be a true Christian]


[Steps to becoming a true Christian - Step 7 - Understanding what it means to be a true Christian]

Are you saying that when you become a Christian, you get the DNA of Jesus Christ?

Chrissy No, no! I am saying that when you truly want and accept Jesus Christ into your life, you will allow Him to use the Holy Spirit to control your life. When you do this, the old you dies and the new you starts to live. Jesus Christ empowers true Christians to live pure, holy, perfect lives.
Don If Christians are empowered to live pure, holy, perfect lives, then there must be millions of people who are not truly Christians.

Unfortunately and sadly, that's true. Jesus said that the road to heaven is narrow and few travel it, but the road to Hell is wide and many travel it.

Let me make something clear though; even after I became a Christian, although I wanted Jesus to completely control my life, I found myself sometimes taking back control of my life and doing things my way. This was clearly a sin and it is something I am ashamed of. My point is, even after a person is truly saved, there  MAY be times that they fail to live up to the standard of Jesus Christ. I am not saying that there WILL be times, because Jesus Christ certainly empowers us to overcome sin. Even so, we must make the choice to let go of our sinful human nature and let the Holy Spirit control our thoughts, words, and deeds. This is a choice that has to be made constantly, and I've not known a person yet who has been perfect from the moment of salvation on. Again, that is not to say that Jesus Christ is at fault because He is not. Anytime a Christian sins, it is because they have failed to call on the power of Jesus Christ that is with in them, not because the power of Jesus Christ was not powerful enough to overcome the sin.

Many times when a person truly becomes saved, although they desire to follow the standards of God, they need to learn them before they can perfectly follow them. The power to live holy, pure, perfect lives, comes from the moment of salvation, however, acting on that power requires spiritual growth and maturity. For some Christians, they grow and mature quickly, for others, it takes a little longer. Nevertheless, true Christians will continually grow and mature spiritually; that is part of the proof that you are a true Christian. Just like babies who try to walk for the first time, some babies get right up one day and start walking, while other babies need hand holding and help in order to learn how to walk. No matter what, to prove that a baby can walk, you don't ask the baby if it can walk, or how old it is, you simply watch it and see if it can walk. If the baby walks all of the time, the baby proves that it is a walker. If the baby crawls all of the time, then the baby proves that it is not a walker.

God watches over us. He need not ask a person if they are a Christian, how long they have been a Christian or how much knowledge of His Word that they know. A person proves what type of Christian they are simply by how they live their life. Those who have truly become Christians will walk in the ways of Jesus Christ, those who have not will walk in their own ways. [Continue to step 8 - A simple prayer to complete steps 1-7]

Don Chrissy, I appreciate all of the things you have shared with me, but I am still not fully convinced. I jut need more time to research and evaluate my need for a God. If I am going to do something, I don't do it half way.
Chrissy The Bible says that "today is the day of salvation". No one knows exactly when they are going to die; it could be a terrorist act, an automobile accident, sudden health problem or who knows what that will cause your death. When a person dies they pass from this life to the next. Those who are truly children of God will pass into eternal life in Heaven with God. Those who are not children of God will be subject to the penalty of sin, which is everlasting torment in Hell. I will be praying for you Don, that God would reveal Himself to you in a way that would open your eyes to Him and His ways.
Don I never thought that I would say this to you, but please do pray for me. If you are right and I am wrong, and I died without God, well, I can't stand the thought of that.
Chrissy Don, I know you have a Bible at home, please read through the New Testament. It may not all make sense at first, but I know that God will use it to speak truth to you. Let's chat again real soon!

Steps to becoming a true Christian

God exists [VS] God does not exist

I am NOT a sinner, I am a good person [VS] I am a sinner and I need God

God will not send you to Hell [VS] God will send you to Hell.

Hell is a place of eternal suffering in a lake of fire [VS] Hell is a place for eternal partying.

You can't escape Hell [VS] You can escape Hell

Jesus died for the penalty of my sins so now I can sin without any penalty [VS] Jesus died so that I can be saved from the penalty of sin and live a new life for Him.

It is impossible to live like Jesus [VS] It is possible to live like Jesus.

God is one being [VS] God is three beings in one.

If there was a God He would not let bad things happen to good people. [VS] God is every where at once; He sees all, knows all and allows bad things to happen.

All good and bad things are caused by whether God is happy or angry [VS] The world is in self-destruct mode and bad things are going to happen automatically.

I said the "sinners prayer" and that proves I am a Christian [VS] Just saying the "sinners prayer" does not prove that you have become a Christian.

Anyone who proclaims to be a Christian is indeed a Christian [VS] There are multitudes of proclaiming Christians, who according to God's word, are not really Christians at all.

I am not ready to become a Christian, I may be ready in the near future [VS] It may be to late in the near future, today is the day to become a Christian

A simple prayer to complete steps 1-7

Becoming a true Christian is more than just saying a prayer. Becoming a true Christian is a life changing experience and it is not something to be taken lightly. The Bible says that you are to consider the cost of becoming a Christian (Luke 14:27-35): If you have not read steps 1-7, please use the link above so that you can be certain that you are ready to become a true Christian.

Jesus, Son of God, I believe on you. I believe that you know my inner- most thoughts and deeds, and that you know I am sincerely calling out to You now. I may not know all there is to know about You, but the desire I have for You is real. I know that I have broken the laws of God. I have sinned against God and recognize that I deserve the just penalty of Hell. I need You! I believe that You were sent by God your Father, to come to this earth in the form of a human, to be crucified as payment for the penalty of my sins. I don't understand why You would love me enough to die for me, but I believe that You did. I repent of my sins! I don't want to live in sin anymore! Save me Christ! Come into my life and take complete control of it. I vow to be your servant as You have commanded me to be. Through the power of your Holy Spirit, which you have promised to give to me, I vow to learn and obey each and every one of your commands, in thought, word and deed. Teach me and train me, Lord, to do your will. Discipline me quickly IF I should stray. I believe that You have saved me, and by the way I live from this day forward, I will prove to all who see me that this is true. I believe that You have forgiven me and that my old life is gone. This prayer is my binding contract with You. Thank you, Jesus, for saving me. Thank You for your Holy Spirit abiding in me now. Amen

If you have any questions or if we can be of any assistance to you, please contact us.