May 31, 2005

Mayday ....Mayday!!! A few of us felt like shouting that out this month!

Memorial Day, 2005, has brought this month to a close in a way that we will not soon forget.The month of May has been a month of trials for our family. It all started with Paul Sr. (Papa Fox) straining a muscle in his low back. Initially, it was just irritation and caused him to limp, but it soon turned into something much more serious. It got to the point that he could not even stand up. Through more than two weeks of different deep tissue therapy, we are happy to report that he can walk again and is recovering well.

As most of you know, Paul II is married to Joanne and has three children, Elizabeth, Paul III (P.J.), and Andrew, who travel with us. During the third week of this month, Paul's family came down with a stomach flu virus. Paul said that it was one of the worst he has experienced in his life! Thankfully, Joanne and the rest of us escaped this particular flu. Joanne said that she just kept thinking what would happen to her household if she came down with the flu too! The picture of destruction frightened her so badly that it scared the virus right out of her. :-)

Shortly after that, Debra developed a bad cold, which took her voice away. Since she is the only one who has the cold, we are not sure where she decided to pick that bug up! We are just hoping it won't spread to the rest of us!

On a more serious note: Yesterday, Joy was preparing her lunch and cleaning up, and in the process, cut her left index finger on the edge of a can. Other than the buses, we had no transportation, so we had to call on a member of the church we had ministered to the previous day. She came rushing to our aid with a car. Joy was taken to an Urgent Care center and required 10 stitches and a tetanus shot, which she suffered a bad reaction to. The doctor said that if the cut had not happened at the angle that it did, it would have cut her tendon. We praise God again for His mercy and protection over us! The doctor said Joy will be unable to play acoustic guitar for at least 4-6 weeks (Joy is determined to play sooner...) and we will miss that needed part. However, she is expected to make a full recovery, so again, we are very thankful.

We are praying for a healthier June!