July 15, 2005

July has brought a huge swing in weather temperatures! From triple digit meltdowns, to chilly days requiring long sleeves! We were thankful for those days when the temperatures dropped due to a big storm pushing through! The Lord always seems to know what we need and when we need it!

One of our buses has needed the brakes adjusted for awhile now. The Lord provided a connection for us through one of the churches we ministered in this month and allowed us to get the brake repairs done.

We've been traveling in Minnesota and North Dakota. We've seen lots of Praires and it takes you back to the past. I wonder what it was like to have to travel by wagons to get to church. How much devotion it took to get yourself to church on bad weather days! Now days, people will use any excuse to get out of coming to church. They've forgotten it's an act of worship and obedience, rather than an option they can chose to discard. I'm thankful for the reminders the Lord can give us even by simply looking outside at His beautiful creation.

Jake had a 24 hour virus early this month. He kept on keeping on though. Thanks for your prayers. It is in times like these that we know we are being lifted up.

While we were ministering in Moorehead, we met a pastor's daughter who had been hit by a car when she was 10 years old. She is in a wheelchair. She can't speak, but she can do some sign language. She understands everything you say, but she is trapped in a body that will not function. She loves to praise the Lord though, and she lifted her hand whenever we sang praise songs. She was an inspiration. Have you been praising the Lord for His goodness to you?

We will continue to minister in North Dakota and South Dakota this month, and will be heading into Iowa in August. Please continue to pray that God will use us to minister to the needs of people in these areas!

-The Fox Family