August 05, 2005

It's already August! Time continues passing so quickly, but we wanted to update you on how things are going on the road. We have enjoyed our visit to the Dakotas. Many places here take you right back to the past. It is not hard to imagine what it must have been like long ago. You can still see herds of buffalo out in fields, although now they are fenced in. Prairies still cover vast amounts of land. Back then, there were many people who needed to know the Lord, and the same can certainly be said today. We were priviledged to minister in varying denominations across North and South Dakota and we thank the Lord for the work He has done in many lives. In one of the churches we ministered in, a lady came up to us after the service and said how much she enjoyed it. She then began to weep. She said she had not come down to the altar, but she wanted us to know that her life was changed. She said she had not always lived the life of a Christian, even though she claimed to be one. She knew she had let the Lord down, but had asked for His forgiveness and was making a new start. Praise the Lord!

Last Sunday was our last date in South Dakota. We were in Sioux Falls. Sioux Falls is a beautiful place.

Sioux Falls on the Big Sioux River -South Dakota

You can certainly marvel at God's beautiful creation. We ministered at Linwood Wesleyan Church. In the love offering, a man had included a note of encouragement. He wrote that the message of Christ-like living, which we shared that morning, had brought conviction to him and his sons, and they tried to ignore it. He also mentioned that his wife could not believe that a family as large as ours is, were all Christians, and that alone was a tribute to God. We are reminded again that even though we may not see the immediate fruits of our labor, the message of Jesus Christ through word and action will not return void.

We are thankful that God continues to speak through our family, and we pray that there will be a great harvest in the Dakotas for the Kingdom of God.

Before leaving Sioux Falls, Paul (our oldest brother ) noticed that one of our trailer tires was showing metal core and needed to be replaced. A member of the church had given us use of their van while we were at their church, so, before we left on our trip to Iowa we were able to use the van to pick up a new tire for the trailer. Shortly after starting our trip, our other trailer had a blow out. We had an older spare and traveled to the closest city, (which thankfully was not far away), to get another new tire. The spare tire would not have made the 180 mile trip. We arrived at the church late, and then found out that the tag tire on the bus was flat! Three tires in one day! Even though we were late, it turned out that the service started at 7:30 PM, which is later than normal for us. God again provided the extra time we needed for setup. The people in the town of Armstong, IA. were so loving and kind, bringing us fresh grown vegetables and providing transportation to get to the Post Office!

After the service was over, a man here at the Free Methodist Church saw our flat bus tire and felt led of the Lord to buy a replacement tire for us! This was such an unexpected blessing and it came again at just the right time! When God does not provide the money for a tire replacement, he provides the tire! What a wonderful, providing Savior we serve!

We ask that you continue to uplift us in prayer as we minister across the Midwest!

-The Fox Family